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ECU Keller Physician Assistant Society Class of 2003
The Class of 2003

Here is a closer look at the class of 2003.


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about the class of 2003. I am Mark Randolph, 1 of 31 students in the class of 2003. I graduated from University of Colorado at Boulder with a BA in Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology in 1995. My career as a molecular biologist brought me to North Carolina where I worked for the National Institute of Environmental Health Science, a branch of NIH, performing research in both, automated DNA sequencing and molecular epidemiology. I have had the great honor of being elected Class President for the class of 2003; a position I find very challenging and rewarding. I have a wonderful wife and have been blessed with two boys, ages 3 and 2. We reside in Winterville, NC a wonderful out lying area of Greenville. I enjoy exercise, movies, reading, and spending quality time with my family. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the program, or trying to balance family life and school. My best wishes to you and hope you reach your goal, no matter what it is.


Hello, My name is Kenny Barrow. I am 24 years old and I have been married for almost 3 years. My wife and I currently live in Vancboro, NC with our 2 dogs. I commute to school approx 35 minutes one way. I am originally from New Bern, NC, but moved to Wilmington, NC to complete my undergraduate at UNC-W. I have a BA in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I then worked for a non-emergency ambulance transport service for almost 2 years, and I taught Eighth grade Math and Science for half of a school year, then recieved my acceptance to be a part of the 2003 ECU PA class.



She had no formal training but was a very astute observer who contributed greatly to the paleontological collections of her day. She found the first complete icthyosaurus skeleton in 1811 as well as a plesisaur and a pterodactyl in 1828.


-NCAPA Representative

She received her undergraduate instruction at Mt Holyoke Seminary (now a college) in 1871. She received degrees by examination from Syracuse University (a Ph.B. in 1888 and a Ph.D. in 1889) and also studied at the University of Chicago, receiving a Ph.D. in 1896. She became a professor of zoology at Mt. Holyoke College and was active in the research group at the then newly established (1888) Marine Biology Lab at Woods Hole, Massachusetts


Hi! My name is Heather Hanes and I am the historian for the ECU PA Class of 2003. I am originally from Lexington, NC. I received my undergraduate degree in Biology from High Point University in May of 2000. I volunteered and worked in a variety of settings before coming to this program. I volunteered at Forsyth Medical Center and High Point Regional Hospital and worked as a CNA-I at Lexington Memorial Hospital and Wake Forest University Medical Center. I really do value the time that I spent gaining this experience, because it is very useful now that I am in PA school. I would encourage anyone applying to the program to gain some experience and shadow a PA so you know all you possibly can about the profession. Just remember that we were all in your shoes at one time and that you can make this dream a reality, just like we did! Keep a positive outlook and ask questions! I would be happy to answer any questions that you have! Good luck and May God Bless You!


Hi everyone! My name is Nancy Holland, and I'm the Secretary for the Keller Physician Assistant Society for the Class of 2003. I received my BS degree from ECU in Nutrition and Dietetics in 1994, and worked as a medical transcriptionist until I was accepted into this program. I'm 37 and the mother of one 13-year-old son who is unbelievably perfect. If you're a parent and are wondering how school will affect your family, feel free to contact me. It can be done, but it will affect your family, at least temporarily. My wonderful husband helps me tremendously with the duties at home allowing me adequate time to study (thank heaven!), and I owe him a great deal of credit for my success. We live in Winterville, which is about 15 minutes from Brody and about 20 minutes from VOA. Having a family that I love keeps me at home to study so that my study breaks can be spent with them. But as a consequence, I don't get as much time with my friends as I would like. It all works out in the end and is definitely worth it!!! Hang in there, and keep working toward your goal. You can make it happen! God bless.


Charlie Kresho-AOR
Hi. I am currently in the PA class of 2003. I graduated from East Carolina University with a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics. Prior to enrolling in the program at ECU, I was a Registered Dietitian at Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC. I am now the Assembly of Representatives Representative for our class, which is a great honor.
I am originally from Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh, GO STEELERS!!
I am married to my beautiful wife Crystal, and we reside in Winterville. I enjoy golfing, weight lifting, and having fun. I played college baseball and wrestled for two years also. I was National Wrestling Champion in high school. Thats just a little about me If you have any questions about PA School, feel free to contact me. If you would like to play golf, Im always up to hit the Links!


Irene Marshall-Minority Affairs Representative


Hi! My name is Kim Ashley. I'm originally from the mountains of North Carolina, a little town called Warrensville in the most northwestern corner of the state. I received a BS in Biology with a chemistry minor from Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, NC in May 1999. Since then, I have worked using the CNA certification I decided to get one summer for some spending money, as an ER tech at my local emergency room prn, and I worked full-time as an OB Tech at Watauga Medical Center in Boone where I scrubbed c-sections and helped with mama-baby care. I don't know just yet where I am intended to be to practice medicine or in what field, but I can almost definitely say it will be primary care (maybe OB/women's health) in the Western half of the state (I miss my mountains.... :). And, I would love to do some medical missions when I get out of school. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask (we are all big talkers around here). Good luck to you in your application process!!!


Hello! My name is Misty Chastain and I am a first year Physician Assistant Student here at East Carolina University. I am originally from Murphy, NC. It is an 8 hour drive from here in Greenville. Needless to say, I don't go home very often, usually only over the holidays. I attended UNC-Chapel Hill where I received my BS degree in Biology in May 1998. I have a varied medical background, but the most important aspect in applying to any PA school is experience with other PA's. I urge you to get as much shadowing time in as possible. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, hanging with friends, and reading. I have a Chihuahua named Skylar that I love to play with as well. PA school is very challenging but I definitely feel that this is the right choice for me. I am very interested in specializing in Infectious Disease, but I am keeping an open mind for my rotations. I am the Medical Student Council Representative for my class. In this, I am one of the Social Committee Chairpersons. It is a lot of fun, and very important to have this contact with our peers in medical school and our future employers/supervisors. If you have any questions for me, please contact me. I am very outgoing and approachable. Good luck in your endeavors and never give up on anything that is important to you.


- Fund Raising Chairperson

Born in Naples, Italy, she was noted for her abilities in physics and mathematics. One known piece of her work is a translation into Italian of the book "Vegetable Staticks" by Stephen Hale.


I was the first baby born in Union County, GA in 1977. After leaving the hospital I was taken home to Murphy, NC where I spent the next eighteen years of my life. I am the youngest of six children. Since I was ten, I aspired to be in the medical profession after my father was killed in an automobile accident. I wanted to be able to have a positive impact on the lives of others. In keeping with these goals and my Christian beliefs I set out for Mars Hill College, a small Baptist college in WNC, where I earned a B.S. degree in Biology. It was here that I earned more than a degree. I earned respect for the Hispanic culture through organizing and planning a medical mission trip to Cuba. I earned respect for those living in the inner city through volunteering in an inner city free medical clinic. I also gained a greater respect for my own Applachian culture through the many enriching relationships that I was able to form. It was also through these experiences that I met my loving husband, Josh. We were married two weeks prior to my starting the PA program. Now I am trying to balance being a newlywed and a PA student. I find these endeavors to be both challenging and very rewarding. I hope that with a strong will, a big heart, and a lot of determination that in a year and a half I will an asset to the PA profession.



Hello, my name is William Rice (you can call me Billy).  I am from the western part of the state of North Carolina and I intend to return to that region to practice after I graduate from ECU.  I received my undergraduate degree in Biology from Lenoir-Rhyne College in 1999.  My previous health care experiences include volunteering in the emergency department at Catawba Memorial Hospital in Hickory, North Carolina, Working as a Nurses Assistant at Frye Regional Medical Center in Hickory, North Carolina, and working as an emergency department technician at Lincoln Medical Center in Lincolnton, North Carolina.  My advice to any incoming PA student would be to always keep yourself focused on your ultimate goal and to work hard because the rewards in the end will make all of your endeavors worthwhile.


- Member

She was a astronomer at Harvard in the early 20th century. Astronomy has a long tradition of accepting women as scientific peers. 4,000 years ago the country of Sumer permitted them to lead the great temple observatories. They have been active ever since.

At the beginning of the 20th century the Director of the Harvard College Observatory hired many women as "computers" to handle the complex data reduction. He paid them 50 cents to the dollar but he paid them. These women of Harvard became honored members of the astronomical community. Ms. Fleming was one of those early 20th century pioneers in astronomy


Hello, my name is Todd Hobgood a member of the PA class of 2003. I am from Wilson, NC and now reside in Greenville, NC until I graduate and can get out of here. Before entering the ECU PA program in May 2001, I attended NC State University for two years where I studied Zoology. I then transfered to East Carolina University where I graduated in May 1999 with a B.S. in Exercise Physiology. Before returning to PA school, I worked as a personal trainer and shadowed PA's in Greenville. My hobbies include fishing, playing guitar, and bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is my favorite of these, it is a great outlet for stress which seems to be plentiful in PA school. I have competed in 5 competitions over the past 3 years and have placed first in junior and open divisions as a middleweight. I am enjoying PA school so far and it has been a wonderful learning experience to say the least! My interest is in surgery, possibly seeking to specialize in orthopedics, cardiothoracic, or neuro. My only word of advice to you aspiring ECU PA students is to work hard in your undergraduate classes and try to do some shadowing so you can get a feel for this profession to find out if it is really for you. Good luck in your future endeavors!


Hello! My name is Danielle Parrish and I am a first year PA student here at East Carolina University. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Prior to entering PA school, I worked as a Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist for three endocrinologists. I also volunteered for 3 years with the local rescue squads as an EMT-Intermediate as well as spent time shadowing PAs in different settings. I was married in November of 2000 and have no intentions of having any children until this is all over! When I do have free time, I spend it with my husband and 2 retrievers. At the moment I have not decided on a specialty, although orthopedics, surgery, and emergency medicine interest me. I highly recommend having "hands on" medical experience in one way or another. And just keep in mind, "failure in people is caused more by lack of determination than lack in talent".


- Member

I am 31 years old and feel very fortunate to be a part of the ECU
Physician Assistant program class of 2003. I have lived in Eastern NC
most of my live. I have an degree in Respiratory Therapy in which I have
been practicing since 1996.  I am married and have four children.  I have
been working on the weekends during my entire two years of PA school, so yes it can be done.  The only advice I can give is not to let go of your
dreams, if willing to sacrifce than you will succeed.


- Member

She was an early 20th century British physicist who worked in electricity and wrote what became a standard textbook "The Electric Arc." In 1904 she was the first woman to read a paper before the Royal Society. It was entitled "The Origin and Growth of Ripple Marks" meaning ripple marks formed in sand. She received the Hughes Medal for her original research into the electric arc and the sand ripples. She also invented and patented an instrument for dividing a line into any number of equal parts.


Hi!  My name is Suzanne Morton.  I'm a second-year PA student.  I graduated in May of 2001 from Wake Forest University with a degree in  Health and Exercise Science.  During my senior year, I applied for, interviewed with, and actually got into ECU's PA School...so yes, it can be done right out of college, regardless of what others may say.  My medical background experience includes lots of volunteering and being a CNA at Durham Regional Hospital one summer.  I'm originally from the Raleigh-Durham area of NC.  In the little spare time I have, I enjoy watching movies, spending time with family and friends, and exercising or playing sports.  Here's one bit of advice after getting into the program....make some time for YOURSELF every day...otherwise, you'll go insane.  Good luck!


- Member

She was the aunt of Mumtaz Mahal for whom the Taj Mahal was built. Nor Mahal is credited with the invention of cashmere shawls and distilling the perfume attar of roses.



Name:     Kim Walters

Age:       24

School:  North Carolina State University

Major:    Zoology

GPA:       3.47

Experience:                Medical assistant  (orthopedics)







- Member

I was born in 1925, in New York City, the second of three children of Meyer and Ida Blumberg. My grandparents came to the United States from Europe at the end of the 19th century. They were members of an immigrant group who had enormous confidence in the possibilities of their adopted country. I received my elementary education at the Yeshiva of Flatbush, a Hebrew parochial school, and, at an early age, in addition to a rigorous secular education, learned the Hebrew Testament in the original language. We spent many hours on the rabbinic commentaries on the Bible and were immersed in the existential reasoning of the Talmud at an age when we could hardly have realized its impact.


Hello!  My name is Michael Young and I am honoured and delighted of being a part of the 2003 PA class.  I am from Denver, NC which is a small 2 traffic light town between Hickory and Charlotte.  I graduated from UNC Charlotte with a Major in Biology and Minor in Chemistry.  As far as my experience in the medical field, I worked at Carolina's Medical Center in the PT department for 4yrs., plus I took a certification course to become a EMT-B.  I did not get a lot of exposure to real medicine, but it did help me get over my anxiety of being one on one with patients.  This year at PA school has definitely been a growing and learning experience for me, probably one of the biggest learning experiences is just finding out how much I need to learn and realizing that it will take more than 2yrs of schooling to be a good and productive PA.  I hope this does not discourage anyone, maybe the brilliant people who apply can make good PA's in just a couple of years, as for me it will take a couple of more.  Well, best of luck to you who will be attending ECU's PA program in the future.


Hi!  My name is Heather Walters.  I am from Bladenboro, NC, which is a one stoplight town in the southeastern part of the state.  I graduated from UNC-Pembroke in 2000 with Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry.  Prior to being accepted into PA school I worked as a Medical Assistant in a Cardiac Catheterization Lab.  Good luck to all of you applying. 



Hi, my name is Sonya Simmons and I am originally from Murfreesboro, NC. I too am one of the fortunate ones to be selected for the graduating class of 2003. I am an only child of 2 wonderful parents, and sister to 2 cats and my dog, Benji (a Schnauzer). I am a certified EMT/D and have volunteered since 1994. I graduated in 2000 from ECU with a BS in biology. After graduation, I moved back home and worked on a construction site for 9 months until my acceptance into the program. I worked as a Safety officer for Cache Valley Electric out of Utah during the construction phase of Nucor Steel Hertford. That was definitely an interesting experience! It has been a great opportunity to be in this program and to develop more friendships that will last a lifetime. It's not easy, but definitely well worth it. On my free time, I enjoy RELAXING, reading, and spending time with my family, and friends. Always keep your chin up, keep smiling and remember youll never know what you can do until you try!



Nyob Zoo (Hi), my name is Mai Vang and I am one of the only two in the class of 31 currently working towards a first undergraduate degree. I am married and I have one great kid, a five year old in kindergarten. I am originally from Michigan.  I moved to the western part, or the foothills of North Carolina back in 1993 and lived there until I played chance and came all the way out here to ECU for the PA program.  This has been one of my greatest challenges in life, and having a family makes it hard, but even more soworthwhile. Being a PA is like every other profession, only a few people can do this, or would like to do this.  My motto, and best advice to any student, working towards a PA degree or not is this: 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration, plus a whole lot of determination.


- Member

She was the first child of Rupert and Helen Leech Potter, born July 28, 1866 in London, England. She is known today for her wonderful children's stories. Just about everyone is familiar with the tale of Peter Rabbit. During her later years she was widely respected throughout England as an expert on fungi, although the Royal Society did refuse to publish at least one of her technical papers.

From many walks in the woods she amassed a set of detailed watercolors of fungi. The collection (some 270 completed by 1901) is in the Armitt Library, Ambleside, England.

Around the time of her death in 1943 many of her notes, including her paper on spores, were burned during the bombing of London in WWII. She kept a private journal which wasn't published until 1966. The reason for this is that it was written in a code of her own invention. The code was broken by Leslie Linder, an engineer. Once the code was broken it took him seven years to decipher Beatrix Potter's journal. In the journal she details her attempts to have her theories and drawings noticed, usually to no avail.

Perhaps if Beatrix Potter hadn't been so shy and if the male scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens hadn't been so dismissive we would not have her legacy of Peter Rabbit.


- Member

She was the first American woman to receive a degree in dentistry. She practiced in Lawrence, Kansas from 1867 - 1907.

She had wanted to be a doctor and had applied to the Eclectic Medical School in Cincinnati, which was accepting women. By the time she arrived at the school, however, they had changed the rule and were denying admission to women. At that point, she was steered into dentistry.


Hi my name is Jennifer Perkins. I call Goldsboro, NC my home after living there for over 10 years. I'm from a military family, my mother is retired Air Force. I am the youngest of the class at the ripe age of 22 years. I enjoy sports (watching and playing), music, dancing, movies, playing with my nephew, laughing, making people smile. I found out about Physician Assistant's by accident, and upon talking to Michelle about the program I was encouraged to apply. I was not accepted the first time, but I received acceptance after applying a second time. I graduated from East Carolina University in 2001 with a degree in Biology: Cell, Anatomy, and Physiology. The only advice I would have for you is this: Patience is a virtue.


- Member

She was the wife of Leon, and correspondent with Epicurus. She was called "the female Solon".


Chicquet Newkirk- Member

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Distance Learners


Hello, my name is Bryan Lantz.  I am 26 years old, and reside in Snow Hill, Greene County, NC.  I have been married for 4 years and am the proud father of 2 boys, Mason -7 months and Noah -2 years.  I spent 2 years at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire, obtaining my Associate Degree in Public Service, but decided to go into the Army for a few years.  I continued my education at ECU, gaining the required courses to apply to the PA program.  I also did volunteer EMS with Snow Hill and did extensive shadowing under a Family Practice PA in Snow Hill for over a year. 

    I got into the Distance Learning program partially because of lucky circumstances, but feel very fortunate to be a part of the program.  I feel one of the more rewarding portions of the program has been the relationships we have formed as peers.  We have had to become more familiar with each other than I ever expected, regardless of the distance that separate us.  I know this is one of the many things that I will be able to carry with me as I go into a career in the future.

    I have yet to make a concrete decision on what specialty I plan to go into, and hope clinical rotations will aid me in that decision.  I will most likely return to the New England area after graduation, but most definitely will practice in a rural, underserved area.



My name is Calvin Ellis.  I am 35 years old.  I am from Greenville, NC.  My wifes name is Stephanie and we have been married for 4 years.  I have two daughters, Brittany 12 yrs, and Amber 19 months.  My prior education consists of a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Management.  After PA school I am planning on completing the Duke masters option.  Prior to PA school I was an E.M.T. for three years with the Vanceboro Rescue Squad.  I really liked delivering health care while I was an E.M.T.  In doing so, I came into contact with various practitioners daily who offered me lots of encouragement.  It didnt take long to figure out that this would be a great career for me.  Its a good field, which offers rewarding opportunities and I cant wait to become a part of it.  The distance-learning program was chosen because it allowed me the opportunity to work while attending school part time.  My future goals as a PA will most likely be family practice in the Washington area; however, Pediatrics or Orthopedics still remain possibilities.  After graduation I would love to live in the Bath, NC area, which is about 15 miles east of Washington.  As an ECU PA student the greatest reward I found was the cohesion among the distance-learning group.  Of those of you whom are thinking of applying to PA school, my advise to you is- Its tough but worth it.  Give it a try.


Hi, My name is Crystal C. Edwards.  I am 25 years old and reside in Elizabethtown, NC.

I have been happily married to my husband, Randy for 3 years. I have no children as of yet, we are planning on starting a family after P.A. school. I graduated from college as a Respiratory therapist in 1997. I have practiced as a Respiratory Therapist at a local hospital for 5 years with experience in emergency care, adult critical care, pediatrics, neonatal, and adult general care.  I always wanted to become a Physician Assistant but I was unable to move away to college after high school due to my father's extended illness.  So, I obtained an allied health degree from a local college to expose myself to the medical field and prepare for attending P.A. school in the future. Medical school may be a future possibility for me. I decided to become a distance-learning student because my father died a few months before applying to the program and I had just gotten married and bought a new house.  With all the changes going on in my life at the time, I felt the distance-learning program was in my best interest. As a PA, I will probably begin in Family Practice to obtain a broad range of experience and may then move on to specialize in OB-GYN.  I plan to reside in my local community. 

The ECU PA program offers many rewards such as the small class sizes and the faculty is always willing to help in any way.  The friends that you make along the way have also been a very rewarding aspect of the program. If you are considering the PA program, make sure you are able to put your personal life on hold for a while.  Get all of your finances in order so that the pressure of having to work a certain number of hours each week isn't a problem.  Gain emotional support from your significant other, family, friends, and co-workers because you will need it.  Most of all make sure this is something you are passionate about doing so that you will enjoy even the most trivial parts of the program.


Hello my name is Joe Byrne I am 35 years old.  I currently live in Winterville NC and am a distance learner in the PA program.  I have been married for the past five years and I have a little girl 16 months old and another on the way come June.  I am originally from Baltimore MD and ended up in the Greenville area upon relocation with a restaurant group I was working for.  I did not originally choose the DL program it chose me.  Somehow or other my application was placed in the wrong file and I was interviewed for the DL program.  As it turned out it was the perfect fit for my family and me as we discovered that my wife was pregnant the day after I was accepted to the program.

            My prior education includes a bachelors degree in Hotel Restaurant Management from JMU in Virginia.  My only previous health care experience was as an EMT with the Winterville Rescue Squad.  This experience gave me the desire to delve further into the healthcare field.  It was a huge financial gamble and personal challenge to pursue a career in the PA profession.  My plans on what and where to practice are all still wide open.  I have had previous experience in orthopedics as I shadowed two local P.A.s.  I believe that my choice of field will change many times over as I get further into the clinical aspect of the program this summer.

            I think that the ability to push myself has been the most rewarding experience thus far for me.  It takes organization and drive to get through the rough parts of this program.  I think that my piece of advice to anyone considering this program is that you will be exhilarated, overwhelmed, terrified and mostly proud of the accomplishments that you will make.


Shaunna Perez, 34 years old, from Falcon, NC

I have been married for 10 years.  I have three children, ages 16, 15, and 14.  We also do foster parenting, and usually care for two children at a time.

I have a BS degree from Methodist College with majors in Microbiology and Cell Physiology and a minor in Chemistry. Following PA school, I hope to be accepted into Duke's Masters option.

I gained most of my medical experience as an Army medic. My experiences while in the Army are what lead me in the direction of Physician Assistant.

I chose the distance learning because it fit my lifestyle, enabling me to stretch the didactic portion over a two-year time period, while continuing to work.  This lessened the hardship on my family.

I am interested in Family Practice and will continue to live in Falcon.

The most rewarding aspect of the ECU PA program has been overcoming all of the challenges that have been put before us so far.  I think being a distance learning student presents additional challenges, and it has really been exciting to see how our whole class has pulled together and helped each other through this experience.

If you are considering the PA program my recommendations are to choose your program carefully.  Be sure you know what you are getting into. 


My name is Vesna Stajkovic Francis; I am 29 years old. I am from Beograd, Yugoslavia. I have lived in Asheville, NC for the last 11 years. In March I got married, and in June we got puppy dog Sofi.

I attended Mars Hill College in Western North Carolina and received a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology.  I hope to further my education and to be accepted into Dukes Masters option program.

I have worked as a Lead Chemist for Baxter Health Care Co. We produced IV solutions and Renal solutions. Our facility did a lot of research and development of the new products and I was involved in getting some products approved by FDA.  Even though my job was challenging and interesting I have always wanted to work in a medical field.

 I shadowed a FNP for a year and he influenced my decision to continue my education and apply to a PA program and follow my dreams.

I did not know about Distance Learning program until I applied to ECU.  I decided to do the Distance Learning program since it allowed me to stay in Asheville area and work part time. I would like to work in a surgical field or Family practice within the Western NC region after competition of the program.

If you are considering a career as a PA, I recommend you follow your dreams and not give up.  If you were not sure that this is a profession you would like, shadow some PA's in your area. Even though this is a Distance Leaning program you will develop close relationships with other students and build friendships for a lifetime.


Lee Campbell, 47 years old, from Charlotte, NC

I have been married to Carol for 28 years; two children, stepdaughter Kathy age 30, son Chris age 25. Former non-healthcare profession: Regional Marketing and Advertising Director for Audiovox Corp. and Founder of Cellular Plus, a national chain of Cellular and Electronics products.
I have an AAS degree Respiratory Care Technology and previous BS work in music.I plan to go on and get my MPAS. My prior experience consists of 1.5 years in Cardiac Stress Lab, Telemetry and Electrodiagnostics (CCT), 5 years as a Critical Care Respiratory Therapist (RRT). Certified Intraaortic Baloon Pump Technician. I decided to return to school to become a PA as I always thought I should be in healthcare, but on my first attempt, originally to be a CRNA, all the nursing schools in the areas discouraged me because I was a Male.

After selling my business in 1995, and weary of the sales and
marketing rat race I learned about the PA profession from a relative who is
a PA in Virginia. Sounded like it was what I had been looking for all my
life...so here I am.
I chose the Distance learning option over on campus although I was originally accepted in a spot in the OC program but I really loved my current job and wanted to continue working to gain further experience and I also felt it would not have the negative financial impact that two years without income.
My future goal is that I would like to stay in Pulmonology/Internal medicine. I like hospital work so the Hospitalist role would suit me well.  I would like to stay in the Charlotte area, but will move if I find the
job of my dreams.  The most rewarding of the PA program is that most of the time I feel if I know NOTHING, but when I apply some of the things I have learned at my current job I realize that I have learned something after all.
For those of you considering PA I always heard that getting into PA school was hard, but I was accepted into every school I applied to the first time, so, be ready when you apply.   Also, from friends who are previous graduates: Get experience before you go to PA school...It will help prepare your mind for all the stuff you are going to cram in there and, it will help you get a job after you graduate. All of the graduates I know that had little or no previous experience had difficulty finding their first job.

If you have any questions, we would like to encourage you to reply by e-mail, just click below.